Birdlife in March
Rain has continued through April with hardly a dry day although the total rainfall for the month is approximately a third of the March total.
The garden is alive with a variety of colourful butterflies and birds. There are lots of honeyeaters, Leaden Flycatchers, regular sightings of Lovely Wren families, Little Shrike-thrush, Varied Trillers, Gerygones, Mistletoe birds and of course our lovely Yellow-bellied Sunbirds. We were pleased to note a juvenile male Sunbird recently. Their babies have such a high attrition rate, especially with our resident Black Butcherbirds, that I wonder what percentage of Sunbird offspring actually reach maturity.
The garden is alive with a variety of colourful butterflies and birds. There are lots of honeyeaters, Leaden Flycatchers, regular sightings of Lovely Wren families, Little Shrike-thrush, Varied Trillers, Gerygones, Mistletoe birds and of course our lovely Yellow-bellied Sunbirds. We were pleased to note a juvenile male Sunbird recently. Their babies have such a high attrition rate, especially with our resident Black Butcherbirds, that I wonder what percentage of Sunbird offspring actually reach maturity.